Tuesday, January 20, 2009


The big homie is officially America's daddy.
Classes were cancelled from 11am-2pm so everyone was able to tune into the inauguration.
Due to lack of sleeep last night (went to bed at 4am)--i almost missed my 1st day of Biology Lab (9:30am)-- but thanks to the super duper bestie Tasha, she sent me a text saying:"Jam Get the fuck up!"
Where would i be w. out her is what i ask!
Anyway; moving on.

At 11am, i get a text from my mommie sayin:"I hope you are watching your new president give his speech. You voted."
And i could't help but to cheese. Like odee CHEESEEEE. Too know that this man, who looks like me, when the press is not in his face--talk like me, and gota crazy swagg, even walks like me... has been elected to be the 44th president of the U.S.of A! Word to my moms, i am so thankful for being able to see this day.
I'm not going to give you word for word of his speech, because im pretty sure EVERYONE and they POPS were on it but i will def say that Barack Obama IS my inspiration and so is his gorgeous family.

One part of the Inauguration that had me cracking up though was the Benediction by Rev. Joseph E. Lowery.
This man said: "....help us work for that day when black will not be asked to give back, when brown can stick around, when yellow will be mellow, when the red man can get ahead, man, and when white will embrace what is right."

Now-- if ya'll didn't find that funny, yall wack!
That part had me on the FLOOR because he did not CARE. "When brown can stick around-- when white will embrace what is right." As funny as that shit sounds though, its 110% TRUE.

Tasha said that she's never been so proud to own an American Flag. And i totally agree.
It was all about my Puerto Rican and Panama Flag @ 1st! loll.

Naw, but on some real shit.
God Bless America.
God Bless the Obamas.
God Bless us All.

It has been made OFFICAL.

=Milli Millz=