Saturday, February 21, 2009


--"i want it all.
that's why i strive for it.
diss me & you'll never hear a reply for it.
any awards show or party I get fly for it.
i know that it's comin'.
i just hope that I'm alive for it."

i just wana be Successfulllllllll.
Song on repeat.

Last night was a kee kee.
Why nuccas front? thats the question of the night but yo fuck it. lol. Still feeling kinda goop'd from last night.
Long island ice tea?
Bacardi Limon?

Part 2 tonight?!?

Today is the boys last bball game, so im finna get dressed for that then the rest is in the hands of my gurls.

My life is movin smoove man.
I'm trying my best not to stress the things that i really have no control over til im 110% sure i even need to take time out to handle it.
Feel me?

Bbl yall

Brooklyn Born, Hispanic Blood.
Word to my muhvaland.
=Milli Millz=